District Clerk’s Office will resume operations at normal times on Thursday 1/23/25
All Government and Law Enforcement agencies must click here, opens in a new window to access our records.
To begin using the application, simply click links under the "Tag Cloud" section. These links will return a list of relevant documents. Each of these historical documents is presented as a PDF file.
To search for more specific information, such as a case (cause) file or court number, enter key words into the search box.
The Harris County Historical Documents Library has the real documents displayed in the application available for viewing. The library is located on the second floor of the Harris County Civil Court Building at 201 Caroline Street in Houston, Texas.
This search feature will allow users to search for judgments entered after both jury and non-jury trials. This feature does not provide a list of all jury and non-jury trials that have been conducted or all jury verdicts returned or accepted. For information on the number of trials or verdicts, please contact the court administrator's office. Users may search for both jury and non-jury trial judgments by judgment date range, court, public image number, judgment type, or case number for Civil public non-Family cases only.
Check the boxes to register for notifications on changes or new items in the following areas on cases for which you are the . Family data will be available subject to Texas Family Code provisions.